Views from China: A Story of Resilience in Photos


Photography by Alejandro Scott

Translation by Helen Gong

Edited by Clara Elizabeth Davis & Sarah Boorboor


"I’m 95, I don’t have much to say...there hasn’t been a big influence on my life. I take one walk per day around the block and nothing has changed. This is just an experience that the country has to overcome. It’s hard to say what will come out of it."


"The economy will definitely be impacted, the government is already offering support for small privately owned businesses, but we will see what kind of assistance they can provide. Business is slower because people aren’t really coming out. It’s hard for my employees to return to work, so it’s just me working every day. This is my own store. What I can do, I’ll do by myself."


"I’m fatalistic, I don't really feel like I’m much in danger. I wear the mask but keep my hands out of my mouth, stuff like that. I hate to say it, but the worst part for me has been that the coffee shops are closed."


"I’m not from Shanghai. I got to go back to my hometown over Chinese New Year, but I came back early, because we were scared that the roads would be closed. We were scared that Shanghai was going to be closed off. The prices of groceries have gone up, and buying groceries is not very convenient. But it’s okay, I am able to work from my home."


"I am not from here. I came here ten years ago because my friend recommended I move to Shanghai. This year there was no way I could go home to see my family for Chinese New Year. I have to stay in the compound because this is our position, this is just our situation. We can’t leave, we can’t go outside. I don’t dare to say how this will work out."


"Everything is still under control, so for us, it’s okay.  China has been booming for more than ten years after the economic miracle, so now is  a good time for people to slow down, rethink, and spend time with family. For us, that’s good. A lot of our expat friends have left, so it’s nice to see you guys here. We are positive."


While the impact of the Coronvirus has spread across China and beyond, it is largely concentrated in Wuhan and the surrounding areas. If you are interested in supporting efforts on the ground in this critical region, we encourage you to conduct your own research before making a charitable donation to organizations aimed at providing relief to the people of Wuhan. From our search, we have identified these organizations as a starting point: Chinese Charity Federation, Hubei Charity Federation, and Save The Children.

Unravel is a platform dedicated to harnessing the power of storytelling for impact and connection. We make space for and amplify human stories through our monthly live shows, original content, and through our work with local partners and initiatives. We are proud to be based in Shanghai, and want to thank everyone who has entrusted us with their story.